How to publish Your code on Github.

Hi , when we are beginner in coding , we always want to share our code so that any people can see it and appreciate it . Github is a best place to share your code . its helps you in job hunt and helps you to build connection . Steps to publish your code on github are :

1) Download git link :

2) Set up Git in your Pc .

3) Signup Github
4) After login add new respository 5) give the name toyour respository. 6)open git 7)write command : git config --global "yourusername" 8) after that command : git config --global "yourname" 9)then move to drive where your project located in your system 10) then intialize git there using command : git init 11) then add files : git add . 12)once file added you have to commit your project by : git command -m "first commit" 13) add the link from your git hub project The HTTPS or URL is copied from the given GitHub account, which is the place of the remote repository.

14)git push -u origin master is used for pushing local content to GitHub. to push code.

now your code is in your git hub account and dont forget to share your account link to others.